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Inspired by

 Chokkura Plaza 

Location: Tochigi, Japan


In his signature style, architect Kengo Kuma celebrates material in this innovative design for an exhibition and assembly space in Tochigi, Japan. The design attempts to create a sound building representing the image of the town through a careful use of material. The design was largely inspired by the inherent characteristics of the Ooya stone, namely its 'soil' and ‘porosity'. It also has holes similar to a sponge with the 'miso' being the largest of these. Owing to these openings, the stone surface is rather broken up in its texture.


 Kengo Kuma 

Kengo Kuma (1954 - ) is one of the most significant contemporary Japanese architects. His poetics express the emotional content of materials, connected with their intrinsic characteristics in construction and with the teachings of Japanese tradition.

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